Typically on a Sunday around 45 of us gather for worship. We come because we want to give thanks to God, to be challenged and inspired by his Word, to pray for one another, and to share time together. Our congregation includes well behaved dogs who sit at the back of the chapel and up to a dozen children (who go to Sunday School in our hall part way through the service). Our services start at 10:30 and we rarely rush away at the end of time of worship. In fact for many of us, the tea, coffee and range of biscuits and cake after the service are an important part of our time together.

You can expect to be welcomed by Ian, inspired by Tim’s piano playing, challenged by our preacher and encouraged through prayer. We believe God meets with us as we worship, as Jesus said, “Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20

We are worshiping together both the church and from home using Zoom. You are warmly welcomed to join us any Sunday at 10:30 for the service of worship and reflection. Please feel free to invite any friends or family who may be missing fellowship during this time, and anyone you know who may befeeling alone. Just hit the following link to join in: https://zoom.us/j/91452831539?pwd=K3FaaG1SMGY0N3NlS0U2SEIyUVFEdz09 or click on the “Live Stream” heading above. We have now moved services back into the church and we will continue to broadcast these on Zoom. Our Service this Sunday will be in the church and on Zoom