Our Faith
As a Christian Church, our family is united by the faith we share in Jesus. We don’t agree on everything, we don’t claim to understand it all and we come from many perspectives and backgrounds. What unites us is that we believe that Jesus is alive; that Jesus rose from dead after suffering in our place on Calvary; that Jesus sends his Spirit to be our helper; that the love which filled Jesus’ life can fill ours too; that through Jesus’ death and resurrection we may know freedom from guilt, from fear and from the power of our own selfishness; that Jesus invites to share in the love that has always been in the heart of God -the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Our Family
Our Fellowship is made up of 70 local people, of all walks of life. Some of us are very new to the Christian faith, and some have been growing as Christians for longer than we can remember. Some have been a part of Burghfield Common Methodist Church for more than 60 years, though significant numbers of us have only found the Church recently. Some prefer ancient and traditional hymns and some more modern songs. Some of us read the Bible everyday, and some are trying to get to grips with the basics. We are self-employed and unemployed; we are teachers and nurses; we are engineers and charity workers; we are artists and electricians; we are toddlers and grandparents. We are a congregation of the imperfect and we’re all on a journey. Whoever you are, we promise you’ll also be welcome.

Our Vision
Our vision is to sustain a shared life of worship, of meaningful fellowship, of deep care for one another and of outreach so that our village might continue to hear the good news about God’s love, revealed in Christ.
We believe that the God who made the universe has shown his love through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and makes himself present with us through his Holy Spirit. There’s nothing we can do to make him love us more and there is nothing we could do which would make him love us less. Indeed, with St.Paul, whose life was totally changed when he met Jesus, we believe that “Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:39)
We think that’s great news, and want to share this love and this good news wherever we can.
Our Partners
We are one small fellowship, connected to Christians locally and all over the world. Locally we work closely with the Anglican Parish Church of Burghfield St Marys and our neighbouring Methodist fellowship at Mortimer. For example we ran an Alpha course together in Autumn 2019. We also support Together in Mission, which runs Cafe B from our Church Hall.
Internationally we work with Challenge Ministries in Swaziland, supporting orphans in a remarkable project in Bulembu. We’ve twinned our toilets to support those in greatest need, and support a number of charities abroad. Below is a video of encouragement from our friends in Bulembu, Swaziland.
As a Methodist Church, we are also connected to other fellowships around the world, across Great Britain and, particularly, around Reading and Basingstoke. This local circuit is Methodist churches is one body: we are one of 26 congregations that support each other through fellowship and partnership.
Latest News
We plan to be back in the church on 23rd January for a “socially distanced” service which will be broadcast via Zoom link., we aim to continue our services in this fashion every Sunday conditions permitting. Please wear a face covering if you plan to attend. You are very welcome to join us at any service using “Zoom” by following the link on our Sundays page of this site. See the `Sundays directions at the top of this page.
Contact Us...
Thanks for visiting our website. Please feel free to reach out via the form on the left. We’ll come back to you as soon as we can. Alternatively please do pop in to the Chapel one Sunday for our 10:30 worship once social distancing measures have eased.
You are welcome to ring or email our Minister, Chris Evans, via the contact details below.
Above all, be sure that you take Grace and Peace with you wherever you go.